That was a cool discussion.
(And for those commenters who feel I overthink language: I always have a good chuckle when someone tells me I'm overthinking language. For the love of all that is Fisher Price and requires 4 C batteries and a screwdriver--this is, after all, a blog, made up of mostly words. Plus, I have based my entire career on language. So of course I'm going to think about the words that we use. And I do think they are important. Sticks and stones may break my bones--but it's words that I think can do the most harm. Words can break your heart. I mean, dudes, I read Playboy for the articles. Ha.)
Anyway. A smattering of several things:
- Maya is currently able to identify seven body parts: her foot, her tongue (which she sticks out), her ear, her cheeks (which she squishes in both hands), her nose, her butt (which she smacks), and her belly. Of course she will name none of these parts whilst out in public, so everyone thinks we are lying jerks. Next up: We're going to teach her to point to her spleen.
- It's been three months since we made Maya our own (Happy Usversary!). Her first photos were all screams and nothing could placate the babe except for special rice cookies. How far she's come! Now nothing can placate her except A) I stop typing or B) I give her a rice cookie. Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm.
- The Swiffer Vacuum thinger is the greatest invention since the Mr. Clean Magic Eraser. Um, that and the headband, Mom's Best Pal. Which brings me to....
- I haven't been to a hair salon since the beginning of July, back when I posted pictures of my haircut with a big pink face photoshopped onto my "real" visage. Yes, that's right. No haircut or professional color in six months. My mom said to me the other day "boy, you sure do need to get your roots done. I guess it's hard to do when you're the only one watching Maya, huh?" Yes, mom, it is. Here's hoping blackish stripes down the middle of one's head come into style soon. Oh, and when the hell did my natural hair color become blackish? (Actually it's more of a sewagey "blonde." The Danes call it "government blonde.")
- Um, people keep asking us about #2.
#2. Ack.
In May the China Center will implement about forty thousand new changes which will make it even more difficult to adopt from there. And the wait time is steadily increasing to seventy billion years. So I will be....seventy billion 35 by the time #2 arrives from China, if we get past the hellish new requirements.
Korea is currently, last I heard, standing still.
Vietnam is about to slow down as vast hordes of China a-parents defect.
Those are the countries we would consider right now.
And then, there is also (oh dear god) More Treatment.
Random and I have been In Discussion, although most of the discussions go like this:
Person #1: China is going to take forever.
Person #1: Vietnam is going to slow down.
Person #1: Korea seems to be at a stand still.
Person #1: Ugh, we could do more treatments. IVF #80, anyone?
Person #1: Wouldn't it be neat to see how suckhole my eggs have become in the past two years? I bet my FSH is so high it breaks the measuring tool.
Person #1: But it would be so much fun to bring Maya to the waiting room. Ha, ha.
Person #1: Do you remember that woman in the RE's office who ran over my foot with her stroller the day my IVF was cancelled? Man I could have punched her.
Yeah. So #2, I'll let you know what we decide when there's anything. There WILL be a #2, it's just the "how" that's up for grabs right now.
In the meantime Maya has come to the conclusion that everything that is round and red is an apple, I have started having nightmares about daycare, and I continue to marvel that I am actually a mom.