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Ive only been around for about six months but I'm going to miss you, your humor, your insights, and seeing Maya grow up. Good luck in everything.

Kathy W.

I think I've posted only once, but I've read you for years. Good luck in your next adventure! I'm so glad you have your smart, beautiful, amazing daughter with you for the holidays and forever after.

Kathy W.


I'm sad to see you go..I love your blog. I wish you the best with MP!


I am bummed for very selfish reasons, because your blog has meant a lot to me over the past 6 months during this excruciatingly long wait for a match. But I totally and completely understand where you are coming from, and would do the same in your shoes. I've never laughed out loud or teared up so much at any single person's writing, ever. I have no doubt you'll find many outlets to publish your beautiful writing, so I look forward to reading your published articles in the future. Thanks so much for sharing your journey with so many for so long.

Sincerely, Anne


Wow. It's been so nice reading you the last few months since you've brought Maya home. (I have to admit - it was tough before because I felt so much pain for you and could read YOUR pain)

Have fun with your daughter though. This is the best reason to stop writing the blog!!!


I've read you for a long time but never commented. Just wanted to let you know that while I utterly, completely understand your choice -- we'll miss you! I've loved sharing your journey to motherhood and joyously celebrated the arrival of your sweet girl home. Will you do a guest post every now and then on a friend's blog so we can see how Maya grows and hear how you're doing? Regardless, I wish you nothing but the best -- thanks so much for sharing so much with so many of us. Be well.


I totally understand your issues and want to wish you luck with your new family. Thanks for sharing the adventure with us.


Thanks guys.

I am sad right now, but this is really the right thing to do. I wish I could be more eloquent. ACK!

Beth, I would be honored to do a guest post on people's blogs!! What a cool idea.


All the best. Be happy :)


I'm really sad you'll be leaving, but I understand. Best of luck with everything. While you may not consider it profound, "Maya is crying right now and it's time for lunch" sums up the new state of affairs. Kisses to all of you.


Although I just started following your blog in January, I feel as though I'm losing a friend. I have learned so much from you and feel priviledged to have been a long distance part of your voyage to adopt Maya. Thank you for expanding my mind and my heart. You are a tremendous mother and I am confident you will find success in whatever avenues you chose to travel in the future. Many, many hugs from Florida!


Yours was the first blog I found when I was first reeling from infertility. I'm so sad you're going, but love that a big part of it is to spend more time with your daughter. Following your journey and, finally, reading about Maya and your joy has been so wonderful. All the best!


Dagnabit, I just discovered your site. I'm embarking on the adoption process with my hubby. Oh well, I completely understand.


I'm heartbroken, but I understand. I've been reading your blog since I miscarried in the summer of 04 and of all the blogs I started following at that time, yours is the only one I still check every day. I even took my laptop on vacation in September just to "not miss" the first posts when you were united with Maya. My husband always cocks his head in a little bit of confusion when I start a story with, "Oh, you know that blog I'm always talking about? Listen to what happened to her TODAY! Can you BELIEVE that??"

Anyway. It's like my favorite novel just ended. But of course all good novels must end, right?

From one stranger out in the universe, I wish you and your family nothing but all the joy and love the world has to offer. I have so relished watching you grow as a person and bloom into motherhood. Congratulations on a long journey just begun.

Stephanie - Mom of 4 rowdies in Utah.


I know everyone else has said this, but I'm so sad to see your blog close up! I completely understand though, and I wish you and Random the best of luck raising your sweet little girl. :)


Karen, I'm very sorry to see you close up shop. I'll miss you. Best of luck to you and your family.


Wow! Chookoolonks (spelling, sorry) yesterday and you today! What am I going to read when I'm supposed to be studying? You will be sorely missed. Best of luck!


Thank you so much for all you've shared. You've taught me a great deal about infertility and adoption, and you've made me a more thoughtful and compassionate person. I owe you. I'm so delighted that you and Maya found each other at last, and I wish your family all the happiness in the world.


Karen, I so understand. More than you know. I've left large public boards since starting my adoption journey for the same sorts of reasons. Lots of great, wonderful people, but then there are the others....

I am glad I got to meet you in GZ. Take care, and I wish you a happy, amazing journey in your future with Maya.

Andrea w/Camille


I wish you the best. Take good care of that sweet little girl. I'm sure she'll keep you on your toes. =)


Well, that just bites. I'm sorry to see you go. I really love your writing and will miss you. I'm sorry that some mean people ruin it for the rest of us who really enjoy you. But of course, I also understand about being a busy mommy with priorities.
You have a beautiful daughter... best of luck!

Cat, Galloping

Say it isn't so! I've been reading for two years and can't believe you can go just like that! I wish you and Random and Maya and Potential #2 much health and happiness. You will be missed here.


Very sad to see you go. Thank you for sharing your journey with us.

". . .but Maya is crying right now and it's time for lunch." That is an AWESOME way to end your blog.

I wish you and your family all the best.



I'm sorry! I will be so sad to see you go! Please, if you think I'm worthy (I'm not worthy! I'm not worthy!) if you do a blog again, let me know?


very selfishly sad here. I was so looking forward to 'watching' Maya grow up and being here for #2. But as I type this, I'm ignoring my kid who is trying hard to turn off the computer, so I know how it is. Good Luck always.

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